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Terms and Conditions


  • For rental services with driver, except for transfers, apply a minimum of 3 hours of available time.
  • For direct transfers extra urban (non-stop), the rate is calculated using cost per kilometer.
  • The pick up services from / to the airports have dedicated rates to be requested service info \ booking +39 3288058000
  • Naples Limousine Service is working with other companies to hire with driver, with the same standards of quality and efficiency, and can use these to perform the services for which it sees fit.
  • Each passenger may carry with it up to TWO CASES, ALL EXCESS BAGGAGE ES: SKI AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE DECLARED when booking, to ensure that the car is not suitable for such transport.
  • It is the discretion of the drivers, the cars load bulky items not stated or excess luggage or that do not meet the conditions of safe transport. (suitcases broken, dirty, wet, etc.)
  • Naples Limousine Service is committed to making every reasonable means to reach their vehicles or vehicles conducted by external consultants on time for appointments departure and arrival at their destination, they will not be responsible for delays due to causes beyond its control.
  • The cars are all newly registered and insured for himself and for transported and in good standing with the circulation permits in force in Italy and EEC
  • The passenger is fully covered insurance that NCC has entered Naples in its fleet with third parties. The properties of the passengers are instead transported entirely the responsibility of the passenger declares the property at the time of boarding. Make sure to start matching your baggage, liability for loss or damage will not be accepted TRAVEL ALL ITEMS TRANSPORTED UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY '
  • If NCC Naples were to fail for any reason within our control to deliver the own means and resources of contractors passengers (or) to the destination booked and paid, will arrange the transfers by external means (Taxi, Limousine, Car rental) and then refund the customer the cost of such transport on production of receipt / invoice. The reimbursement for the transfer can not exceed the rates in force for the same is agreed.
  • Naples Limousine Service be liable for any costs and losses due to delays and errors directly attributable to our knowledge, in this case a refund will be limited to € 200.00 per booking.
  • Naples Limousine Service reserves the right to vary at any time parts (or all) of these arrangements without prior notice to customers, partners, tour operators or agencies.
  • It is mandatory to bring us back to the customer as soon as possible any problems resulting from inefficiencies or failures directly attributable to our work. We will take action to mitigate any loss and in full satisfaction of the customer.
  • These conditions of carriage and all other related services comply with the laws governing the sale of services in Italy, this guarantees the protection of the passenger and his baggage.
  • Any dispute or controversy regarding the activities of Drivers chauffeur service and the customer will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Naples (Italy)
  • User behavior during the rental service with driver
Agli utenti del servizio di noleggio è fatto divieto di:
  • fumare durante il trasporto;
  • gettare oggetti dai veicoli sia fermi che in movimento;
  • imbrattare, insudiciare o danneggiare il veicolo;
  • pretendere il trasporto di animali domestici senza aver adottato, d'intesa con il noleggiatore, tutte le misure utili ad evitare il danneggiamento o l'imbrattamento della vettura;
  • pretendere che il trasporto venga reso in violazione alle norme di sicurezza e comportamento previste dal vigente Codice della Strada.
Diritto di cancellazione della prenotazione del servizio di autonoleggio con conducente e servizi complementari
  • Il cliente può effettuare la cancellazione della prenotazione scrivendoci, inviando una e-mail o via fax.
  • La disdetta del servizio di autonoleggio con conducente o dei servizi complementari ,senza penale è accettata entro le 12 ore prima del servizio. Alle disdette pervenute entro le 6 ore anteriormente all'inizio del servizio viene applicata una penale pari al 50% dell'importo del servizio.
  • In caso di volo cancellato o di ritardo superiore a 50 minuti alla partenza è fatto obbligo al cliente di avvisare il nostro numero prenotazioni per potervi garantire la presenza di un nostro addetto all'arrivo. Il mancato invio dell’avviso di ritardo o di volo cancellato esclude il diritto di avere disponibile la vettura in caso di arrivo ritardato o rimandato e verrà la penale del 50%